It will be difficult to erase 2020 from human memory. Not only have we lived most of the year in confinement, fearful, trying to avoid contagion or recovering from the Coronavirus, but we have also seen the awakening of social movements, which have brought issues of equal rights to the forefront of the national discussion. We are preparing for a harsh winter and along with it, a new presidential election.
For a couple of weeks, Enlace Chicago in collaboration and association with the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) began working in Little Village and North Lawndale to promote the Vote during this election. Obviously, the pandemic has restricted the dissemination of information and door to door. However, the telephone and digital platforms still continue to be effective vehicles for conversing with residents and explaining the importance of all of us participating with our vote in this election.
Jocelyn Aranda, is a young graduate of Farragut Career Academy and current student at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). Jocelyn is a fellow of ICIRR's Democracy 2020 Project. She has guided Enlace's efforts to encourage voting in our community during this election.
One difference in this election has been the active involvement of more young people and their strong desire to change the political climate. Enlace Chicago has worked closely with young high school and college students who spend part of their week making phone calls in Spanish and English to encourage voting. Between Little Village and North Lawndale, there is a universe of 15,583 voters to be reached through the efforts of Enlace and ICIRR. To date and thanks to the hours dedicated by these young people, Enlace staff volunteers and ICIRR action team, it has been possible to contact about 20% of this universe. In the next few days and until November 3rd, a group of 15 young people and other volunteers will be making another 11,000 calls and sending text messages. The voice of our community needs to be heard!
If you have not voted yet, and are able to, here is the link with polling places. For early voting: and for your polling place on November 3rd:
