Enlace Chicago convenes, organizes, and builds the capacity of Little Village stakeholders to confront systemic inequities and barriers to economic and social access.
Enlace Chicago is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of Little Village residents by fostering a safe and healthy environment and by championing opportunities for educational advancement and economic development.
Enlace is committed to accountability and transparency to ensure integrity, believes in building community power through collaboration and grassroots leadership, promotes livable communities with access and opportunity for all, and values social justice and systems change.
How We Work
Over the years, Enlace has adapted its work to meet the priorities, needs and interests of the community. Currently, its four areas of focus include education, community health, immigration and violence prevention. Within and across each of these areas, Enlace engages four key strategies that include
1) organizing and advocacy, 2) program implementation and service delivery, 3) convening and community planning and 4) individual and community capacity building.