In 2013, Enlace embarked on an ambitious neighborhood-planning process to define transformative strategies for the next 5 to 10 years, culminating in the 2013 Little Village Quality of Life Plan. The neighborhood’s first comprehensive plan, released in 2005 as part of LISC Chicago’s New Communities Program, served as the model. The 2013 process engaged more than 650 people and over 80 agencies and institutions through a series of public forums, focus groups and one-on-one meetings led by a diverse steering committee consisting of nearly 40 community leaders representing 22 organizations.
The plan is divided into eight priority topic areas, which include: Arts and Culture, Economic Development, Education, Green Space and Recreation, Health, Housing, Immigration, and Safety. The plan includes 27 goals over the eight topic areas, and it identifies key strategies and a timeline for moving them forward.
An integrated, holistic approach to community development is central to Enlace’s work, and key to the success of the Quality of Life Plan. It recognizes the interconnectivity of multiple factors and overlaps strategies to have a multiplying effect. It also relies on strong partnerships and local networks to ensure broad investment in and ownership of the plan.